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Gov Ishaku Scammed Us In Taraba, Presided Over Most Corrupt Regime– Former Speaker, Abel Peter Diah

• Why We Parted Ways

A former speaker of the Taraba State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Abel Peter Diah how Taraba state has been poorly governed in the last eight years by Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku the former governor of the state.

Hon Peter Diah in an exclusive interview on Rock FM 92.3 Jalingo described the administration of Darius Ishaku as a corrupt regime where lies, misappropriation, intimidation, embezzlement and unaccountability were the order of the day.
The former speaker chronologically described his once beautiful relationship with Arc. Darius and subsequently narrated how it turned sour in such a way one could literally feel his emotions when asked why they fell apart even though he was one of his earliest supporters.

"We started very well, I had trusted him so much. I thought it was personal cum government. I didn't know he didn't have the interest of Tarabans at heart. I trusted him with my life and at a particular time I noticed he was not serving the people of the state because he was no longer an honourable person who speaks and keeps to his words."
"He promised the people of Warwar Airtel network service and was going to construct road from Gembu to Mbamgar and never did anything about it. Gradually, I began to discover there was no honesty in him. He was no longer a gentleman. Everything about him was self service."
He further narrated, "Shortly after the unfortunate incident on the Mambilla plateau, he invited me and told me he wanted a situation where the miners could vacate the mining site so that he could invite investors with him – he wanted people to relate with the investors, people that had more knowledge about it.
"I said okay fine, so I said you need to speak with the miners themselves, so I arranged a meeting with the miners association and they met with him. He told them he wanted them to vacate the place that he was going to bring investors – such a beautiful story. Shortly after that, the miners vacated the place and he went around and became the investor. That area now belongs to him."
"I left the party because of Darius. He told people I begged him to remain in the house of assembly and I never did that. In 2018 I met him and said it was nice working with you, I want to move forward – I and my deputy Gwampo. He sat quiet and said no, I won't leave; he wants to work with me in the same capacity.
"I was not happy as a speaker in the Taraba State house of assembly. It was terrible working with him. This is the only Governor that while the house is sitting he would say they should give you phone he wants to speak to you and you will go up there you will end up not speaking with him. He had no respect for constituted authority."
In clearing an allegation that money was the cause of the rift between him and the former governor, Abel said, "Darius is not one to negotiate money with anyone because of his bullying nature. He sees Taraba's wealth as his personal wealth. He sees paying for contract, pension and gratuity as if he was dashing money to people. Nobody has the capacity of negotiating money with him in Taraba State."
Hon. Peter Revealed that the tea company in Maisamari belongs to Taraba state government. "He got the company while he was a minister before he became a governor. He obtained loan from a commercial bank that he used in buying Maisamari Tea and Taraba state government through government house liquidated the loan.
"He doesn't own the company, Taraba state government owns it – he knows it. He does not have allowances to the tune of one point something billion within that short period. His estacodes are not up to that amount.
"Unfortunately DDI arm-twisted the two arms of government, both the executive and legislature. Our sits were declared vacant. He didn't pay entitlements of the house of assembly. Because of the way he arm-twisted the system you cannot look up to him and say anything. He is so personal about governance that each time you advised him he sees you as somebody undermining his authority and goes after you."
"I served during the early days of democracy in Taraba state, there was never a time we had a change of speakers like this. His excellency Danbaba of blessed memory had only one speaker, UTC had only one speaker but DDI had three."
"He requested approval for 20 billion for the construction of rural road. It was approved but no rural roads were constructed. He requested for the approval of another 20 billion without constructing any road."
Abel claimed that Darius had falsely attributed several projects to his name as though he executed them and made mention of some projects recorded as efforts of the past governor that were originally executed by Darius's predecessors.
The former speaker remarked that he renovated Warwar Hospital but Darius listed it as part of his projects to his amazement.
"The senate building he named DDI, was done during Danbaba. He made renovation and renamed it DDI. If you go to the university ask what was Taraba state's contribution from 2015 till date.
"When Danbaba was governor he invited me to supervise the electricity installation for Highland tea. He said his contribution was a 100 million naira as governor and the electricity there was functional. Several months later during Darius regime he called for the commissioning of the place. I was surprised and stories were made up to back it up. I was confused.
"The DDI garden he commissioned, he had no involvement there. He didn't pay money meant for compensation for those who had properties around there. It is not a Taraba state project. But the governor commissioned it as a state project
"The airport he opened was built by Jolly Nyame and Danbaba but gave the impression he built it but it is now closed. There is no sector he left thriving. He hasn't moved a single sector from A to B. I don't know what happened in Egypt but I think that the children of Israel were better off in Egypt than Tarabans between 2019 and 2023. Their condition was better off.
"Everything we have said about him in the past three years, I am sure the people of this state knew we were not saying it because we had issues with him. That was our honest take and that was the truth about governor Darius. He never had Taraba state at heart.
"The outgoing government existed as if it was the days of King Pharaoh. They didn't fulfill anything they told our people." Peter Diah expressed that the roads in good condition are roads of previous administrations, the state secretariat and other government structures are in very poor state.
"This is the only governor that bullies everybody. When you want to bully everybody you will bring down the state. He was worse than pharaoh and I know what happened to him at the stadium would live with him forever. He was booed. People stoned him. How can you leave a state to your younger brother without a penny. He could not even pay mere salary to say goodbye to us for eight years. No increment, no annual leave. Civil servants became stagnated. Those who aided him in doing what he wants even when they retire he will allow them to remain. He is a complete disaster. Walahi we were scammed in Taraba State and nothing to hide".
Abel Peter Diah started his political career in 1996, when he was councilor representing Warwar ward, Sardauna Local Government Council. In 2003 he won a seat at the Taraba State house of assembly and in 2011 became the deputy speaker. In 2015 he became the speaker of the house until his resignation from office in 2019.

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