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How Lissam Was Attacked -President, Askaen Development Association

•LG Boss  Impose Curfew  On Kuteb Communities

 The President, Askaen Development Association, Dr. Finchi Rikwentishe has narrated how mayhem erupted in Lissam community.

However the Chairman Ussa Local Government Council *Rimamsikwe Karma has imposed a curfew from 7pm to 6am in Lissam and Rufu Community of Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State. 

Two Kuteb communities in Ussa Local Government area  of Taraba state have engulfed in fresh crisis after a pastor was said to have been beaten up by some masquerades in the area. 

Taraba Truth and Facts gathered that trouble starred on Wednesday when a pastor was said to have been accosted and beaten up along the road from Lissam  to Rufu by some masquerades. 

The local government  chairman however   directed all the Security agencies to enforce the curfew.

Dr. Finchi Rikwentishe in a press statement called on the chairman of Ussa council, religious leaders, traditional and political leaders to as a matter of urgency, set up a panel of inquiry to further dig into the remote and immediate cause of this incident so as to avoid future occurrence of this unwanted attack.

The full Statement below

It has become imperative to stress the fact of what really transpired on Thursday, 17th February, 2022 in Lissam Kaduna and Yamusa, all of Lissam extraction.

It was around 2 PM on the said date that Rufu's Masquerade rite which hitherto used to take place in a sacred area within Rufu community, but surprisingly this masquerade this time around was led by one Jerry David and others from Rufu to Kaduna Lissam, a Lissam community. While in Lissam Kaduna, Aside from Rufu people any person that is seen by the masquerade and their leaders, receives the beaten of their life, irrespective of whoever you are. 

These men of God, Rev. JB Musa  and Rev. Udoji Aji  were however not lucky as the fall victim of this barbaric attack.
 Rev. JB Daniel was beaten and pursued to his colleague Rev. Udoji who fearlessly accosted them as to why are they doing this kind of thing to a man of God, that afterward they're not supposed to cross the river, the river which is naturally serving as a boundary between the two communities.

 Rev Udoji however seriously received his part of the attack.
Yet they proceed and attack Mrs Asauten Apinyang around her house, this led to protest by people around the area.
Mai-angwa Yamusa, Mr. Andeben Nicodemus who was not happy with the rising tension, rush to Hon Yusuf Tutuwa who is an elder statesman of Rufu people in the area in order to call his people to order before this issue escalate but to his greatest surprise, Rufu Youth were already gathered there, on approaching there, they couldn't allow him to talk, as he was confronted with stones, he came back with injuries as blood were gushing from his body

After these attacks on passersby, they further went ahead to destroy houses, notable among the houses that were destroyed are that of Mr. Andekun Daniel and Mr.Cwunwun Danjuma.

While this incident was reported to the police, the police immediately swung into action, their effort led to the arrest of about seven of the perpetrators of this crimes and are currently under the custody of the police.

Nevertheless, the Lissam community were asked to remain calm and not to take the law into their hands, surprisingly around 10PM in the night, Yamusa was surrounded by Rufu militias with sporadic gunshot from all over the place, this attacks lasted throughout the night until the mobile police and the military were driven to the place around 7AM when it was put to a halt.
The attacked led to destruction of many houses around the area.

Having gone through the details of this ugly incident, on behalf of Askaen Development Association, I wish to condemn in totality this unwanted attacks.
In the same vein, I wish to call on the chairman of Ussa council, religious leaders, traditional and political leaders to as a matter of urgency, set up a panel of inquiry to further dig into the remote and immediate cause of this incident so as to avoid future occurrence of this unwanted attack.

 *Dr. Finchi Rikwentishe,* 
 *The President, Askaen Development Association.**


  1. Very bad acts, please let elders tells the youths the truth

  2. Very unfortunate to destroyed our properties by ourselves

  3. It's quite unfortunate I hope we find a lasting solutions to this kind of mischief

  4. We pray that God in his infinite mercy intervene on behalf of Kuteb
