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DDI ‎gives Muslims Council 20M for re-election supports

Breaking News:

DDI ‎gives  Muslims Council 20M for re-election supports

Taraba Truth and Fact Report‎

The Taraba State Governor Dairus Ishaku seems to have open the state treasury in his bid to get a second term.

The governor during a visits to  the State Muslim Council on Thursday 'donated' 20M, while seeking their support for his re-election, Taraba Truth and Fact can exclusively report.‎

The Governor who believe the Council is not supporting his re-election bid, went into a close door meeting with the Muslim Council Leadership where he also made juicy promises if re-elected. ‎

‎Governor Ishaku  said it is time for renewal of his seat and urge them to support his reelection bid for the good of Taraba state
The  Council demands that the SSG Anthony Jellason should not be reappointed if he eventually gets a second term, among others.

The Chairman Muslim Council speaking said he is the first Candidate to officially Visit the council and promise to stand by him in the next months elections.


The attention of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Taraba State Chapter is drawn to a plan by some of the enemies of our State in relation to the forth-coming Governorship and State House of Assembly elections in the State. The plan was hatched by the group during a meeting held on Friday night, 1/3/2019 in Jalingo. At the meeting a document was produced for execution. The document is titled, The plan of Taraba State Governors Election on 9th in Jalingo.
The plan is in two phases:
Phase I:
This is to be executed in the three mapped areas where Christians are predominant in the State Capital, Jalingo. This will take place on 7th March, 2019 at 3:00pm. The areas mapped out are: PDP secretariat, Road Block, and Nukkai. Ten youths with dangerous arms and 20 litres of petrol will be stationed in the strategic areas to carry out the mayhem so that the state will be thrown into bloody crises which will lead to the postponement of the Governorship and State House Assembly Elections in Taraba State as scheduled. A new date will then be fixed so as to give undue advantage to one of the political parties.
Information available to us also indicates that ten stubborn youths from areas such as Wukari, Ibi, and Jos will be invited to help execute the plans.
Phase II or Plan B:
 This is to be executed at INEC office on Monday 11th March, 2019 at 5:00pm when collation of the Governorship and State House of Assembly elections will be taking place. The plan is to manipulate the Governorship result in favour of a particular political party. But failure by the INEC officials to comply or cooperate, then they will destroy the office.
 The evil plan, according to leaked information, will enjoy the cover of the newly posted commissioner of Police in the state. The Police boss will instruct his officers and men of the command to remain aloof or adamant in the face of the ugly event.
It is also alleged that at very odd hours of last night some trucks loaded with unknown people were spotted along Jauro-yinu coming into Jalingo town, possibly for the same purpose of interrupting the rescheduled Governorship/State House of Assembly Elections.
CAN hereby calls on all political actors to allow the people of Taraba to freely choose their leaders without intimidation and coercion. Taraba belongs to all of us and we must do everything to bequeath a Taraba of our dreams to our children and the generation yet unborn.
 The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Taraba State Chapter condemns in strong terms the violent celebration witnessed in the state capital, Jalingo, after the announcement of presidential results by some party supporters. These supporters armed with dangerous weapons trooped to major streets in Jalingo assaulting motorists, commuters, and Traders, looting and destroying peoples properties. Unfortunately, while the mayhem was taking place, the police and soldiers saddled with the responsibility of maintaining law and order stood aloof.
 CAN hereby calls on the security agencies in the state to carefully interrogate this plan towards disrupting the peace of Taraba in respect of the forth-coming governorship and State House of Assembly elections in the State. This is in view of averting or preventing the looming danger ahead, since it is their statutory responsibility to protect lives and property.
  CAN also calls on the outside world to be aware of this evil plan to be orchestrated by some unscrupulous elements to scuttle the peace of our State.
 Taraba state remains one of the most peaceful states in the North-East sub-region under the able leadership of His Excellency, Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku. We reject imported confusion and crisis by desperate politicians who do not wish our state well.
 CAN further calls on all law abiding citizens of Taraba State to remain calm, peaceful and law abiding. They should remain vigilant and report any suspicious elements to the law enforcement agencies and also come in mass to exercise their franchise in the forthcoming governorship and house assembly election on March 9th 2019.
Madrid Boom:
How Governor Ishaku wasted Taraba goldmine
•State government made 3.1bn from Madrid in 3 years

A multi-million naira asset, the Madrid – an economic tree found in the forests of Taraba State – recently became a huge money spinner for the state with Chinese investors buying it.

Taraba State Government under Governor Dairus Ishaku has in the last three years made over 30 billion from Madrid revenue, according to Taraba Truth and Fact calculations.

Taraba State is blessed with high quality Madrid trees with high demand in China and other Asian countries.

The Commissioner of Environment and Solid Mineral Development, Rebecca Manasseh, said though the state generates lots of revenue from it, the tree has a negative impact on the environment because new trees are not replanted to control desertification.

Hundreds of Chinese businessmen are now in many rural markets and villages across the state buying Rose wood, popularly known as Madrid, which has led to a financial boom for the state government in terms of Internal Generated Revenue (IGR).

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A Daily Trust report earlier stated that the Chinese alongside several local agents buy several hundred trucks load of the wood and transport it to Lagos for shipment to China. (take note of Hundred)‎

‎According to the report in Daily Trust last year, each truck costs between N5 million to N5.5 million, depending on the quality of the wood, while the state government was getting N500, 000 on each truck as tax. (take note of 500,000)‎

A financial expert in the state said if approximately a hundred and fifty trucks  leaves the state in a month, a total of 6,300 trucks leaves the state yearly in the last three and half years.‎ (multiply 150 by 42 months)
"If we are to put it in proper perspectives, Taraba state collected 500,000 tax from 6, 300 trucks of Madrid under Governor Ishaku reign." He said. (Multiply 500,000 by 6,300)

"That's about 3.1bn made from Madrid tree alone, we have other items that gives the state good money but the projects in the state does not justify that, Taraba is a very rich and blessed state but under a bad leader who cannot use our collective wealth for the people." He added. (imagine what 3.1bn would do in Taraba)‎

Taraba Truth and Fact however cannot independently confirm the number of trucks loading Madrid Timber out of the state.

Checks by our under cover reporter with state revenue and forest agencies shows that the state government does not have records and figures of trees cut down or trucks loading Madrid out of the state. (who knows how many trucks leaves the state)‎

Our reporter gathered that collection of Madrid Tax in the state is handled by the governor and his deputy in proxy.

In 2017  the deputy governor, Haruna Manu and Governor Darius Ishaku, clashed over who should control remittance of  Madrid Tax to state.

Director General of the APC Governorship Campaign Council Bobboi Kaigama in an interview with Businessday Newspaper  laments that "even the resources generated from the massive deforestation is not coming back to the coffers of the government for the purpose of providing services for Tarabans, but is going into the pocket of the big boys."

God will deliver us from DDI‎
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 DDI govt. crippled Taraba Local Economy- Aaron Artimas

The Spokesperson of the All Progressive Congress, APC Aaron Artimas is asking Governor Darius Ishaku what does he do with his monthly allocation, saying the state gets an average of 7 billion every months from the Federal Government.

Artimas in an interview with Taraba Truth and Fact TV said if the governor spends just a billion in the state monthly, economic activities in the state would be active because the state is largely a civil servant state.

He said the government has presently constituted cannot help Tarabians, saying Tarabians are tried of a government that crippled it's local economy.
Watch the interview on our TV channel on Youtube and our Facebook page

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