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After Taraba Truth and Facts Report, Renovation Works Commences On Kpanti Napu Bridge


Renovation Works have commenced on a bridge linking Kpanti Napu and the Specialist Hospital area in Jalingo.

Taraba Truth and Facts Newspaper had reported that the bridge was on the verge of collapse due to heavy erosion dilapidating the bridge.

After the report, The Commissioner for Works Comrade Muse Luka directed an immediate assessments of the bridge.

After  the assessment, Governor Agbu Kefas approved the revamping of the bridge to prevent it from collapsing.

Taraba Truths and Facts correspondent who was at the site confirmed that work has begun with the foot of the bridge which was away due to heavy down pour will be fixed.

The Commissioner for Works Comrade Muse Luka said that his men have begun work on the bridge even as he noted that they are working tirelessly to cover the bridge footing so as to avert further dilapidation.

The Chief Civil Engineer from the Ministry of Works Engineer Auwal Bello noted that the exposure of the piles and the washing away of those high engagements of the bridge is the main issue to be tackled under the bridge.

He said that the Ministry of Works have liaised with TACMA so as to get an excavator to enable them complete the first phase of the work.

He added that, "we intend to cover the exposure property to avert further eroding of the foundation," he noted.

He said those exposures will be rebuilt to give the foundation a firm structure that will last for years.

Some residents who expressed joy over the renovation, commended Taraba Truth and Facts Newspaper for bringing the issue to public attention.

The Village head of Ungwan Nyashaja Kpanti Napu, Jauro Sanya Shanya  who commended the newspaper said the report has saved his community from being washed away by flood.

He noted that the bridge was dilapidating due to poor work that was initially done under the bridge by the former site Engineer.

The village head said that the water that flows through the bridge comes in excess adding that the flood  has consistently washed off their crops, buildings and even their domestic animals.

Mr Obida Sanya who also resides at Nyashaja Kpanti Napu village commended Governor Agbu Kefas for ordering the renovation after the report in Taraba Truth and Facts Newspaper.

Sanya urged  the site engineers to construct the edge of the bridge heading towards Specialist Hospital properly since according to him, "that is the side that was not properly constructed. If proper work is not done on that side, the bridge will collapse and if it collapses, their lives, their cattles and their farms will be washed away by flood," he laments.

A motorcycle rider in the community, Jike  Joseph thanked the Governor of Taraba State for his efforts at curbing the disaster that was about to befall them.

He said that if the bridge collapses, the whole of their village will be washed off by rain water even as he pleaded that work under the bridge should be completed before the rains returns.

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