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Captain Mukhtar Yusuf: Making Impacts in Taraba State

Education  Captain Mukhtar Yusuf has made significant strides in enhancing education in Gashaka, Kurmi, and Sardauna LGAs of Tarab...

Is Damian Dodo SAN loading?

Many people believe Governor Darius Ishaku by not publicly disclosing his preferred successor in Government House Jalingo come 2023 is being strategic about the whole thing. There are those who believe that Governor Ishaku indeed has a successor in mind and in due course he will reveal who that person is and at the right time which will leave no room for dissent or counter measures; a fait accompli sort of.

Might that person be Damian Dodo, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN the brilliant, well-known and well-connected Abuja-based lawyer who is among the top ten reputable lawyers in Nigeria?

If Governor Ishaku does indeed has DD as he is more popularly known as his joker for the Taraba governorship come 2023 and is hiding it, then he should know right away that the cover has been blown.

DD has of late been inundated by calls to throw his hat (or is it his silk gown and wig) into the Taraba 2023 gubernatorial ring either by people who genuinely want him to do so on account of his powerful credentials and standing as a lawyer or due to the fact that information reaching them indicate that he is Governor Ishaku's anointed.

As explained to me by one top Taraba political figure '' Taraba genuinely needs to make a clean break from the past political figures who have nothing more to offer the state. We need to change the narrative as far as politics is concerned in the state and we can only do that with people who have distinguished and established themselves in their chosen careers. And there are many of them who have excelled in this regard and they need to be encouraged to come and replicate their successes in Taraba''.

But by his antecedents and from the opinion people who know him closely and what he thinks about Taraba politics, it may take the proverbial Camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for DD to agree to exchange his beloved law practice for the uncertainty of a political career in government house Jalingo.

Still we may never know how the dice rolls. Stranger things have happened in life. This definitely is going to be one of the sub plots of the Taraba 2023 gubernatorial game. For now though we can only keep our eyes on the sparrow.


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